Thursday 13 October 2011


Jessica Wright was spotted in a cute pair of ballet pumps whilst working in her shop at the weekend.

Jess, always a fan of a bit of animal print, ditched the heels and opted for a comfy and gorge pair of leopard print Tipsy Feet foldable pumps, perfect foot attire for a busy day in her lingerie boutique!

Exact Match!

Tipsyfeet has become a very popular with the ladies , since their early featuring on the BBC's Dragons Den back in 2007!  

Now us girls love high heels but sometimes they are a little impractical . . . like when you have an hour long journey to work on public transport or you have been hitting the dance floor until the early hours but you need to run for the night bus to get you home!

Tipsy feet solve the practical shoe dilemma, they are a foldable pump that fits neatly into a small bag, perfect for after a night out on the tiles or to wear on the journey to work before you slip into your heels!

The Tipsyfeet Science

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